Subject विषय |
Number आदेश संख्या |
Document Type दस्तावेज़ का प्रकार |
Date दिनांक |
With the concurrence of the Finance Department GNCTD to the rates approved by the Election Commission of India... |
F.No.CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/5396 |
Order |
28/12/2024 |
With the concurrence of the Finance Department GNCTD to the rates approved by the Election Commission of India... |
F.No.CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/5395 |
Order |
28/12/2024 |
Order Dated 29.08.2023 regarding the State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi. |
No. CEO/PLG/102(46)/2021/19553-588 -29/08/2023 |
Order |
29/08/2023 |
State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi. |
No. CEO/PLG/102(46)/2021/30103 - 137 -09/11/2022 |
Order |
09/11/2022 |
State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi. |
CEO/PLG/102(46)/2021/25027 - 60 -12/09/2022 |
Order |
12/09/2022 |
Order dated 6th Sep 2022 |
F.CEO/Admn./Vig./118/11/2022/24625-637 -06/09/2022 |
Order |
06/09/2022 |
Order dated 8th June 2022 The Rates Of Remuneration Rajinder Nagar |
F.CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/14686-940 -06/06/2022 |
Order |
06/06/2022 |
Order dated 8th June 2022 The Rates Of Remuneration Rajinder Nagar |
F.CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/14941-15141 -06/06/2022 |
Order |
06/06/2022 |
State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi |
CEO/ADPLG/102(46)/2021/26795-824 |
Order |
17/12/2021 |
Order dated 13th February 2020 of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in Contempt petition (C) 2192 of 2018 in WP(C) No. 536 of 2011- Requirement of publishing details regarding candidates with pending criminal cases in Rajya Sabha and State Legislative Council Elections- regarding. |
CEO/COE/EEM/102967)/DLA-20 /2020/1395-1407 |
Order |
21/01/2021 |
CEO/Admin./106(22)/99/ 46775-808 |
Order |
21/10/2020 |
Supreme court's judgement on the petition regarding requirement of public detils regarding People with Criminal antecedents contesting elections |
CEO/COE/EEM/102(67)/ DLA-20/2020/44178-89 |
Order |
22/09/2020 |
Expenditure Management and Rationalization of Expenditure - COVID-19 outbeaks. |
No.F.CEO/B&A/Misc./109/2016-107 / 43285-385 |
Order |
08/09/2020 |
Order regarding reconstitution and State Steering Committee on Accessible Election (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi. |
CEO/ADPLG/102(40)/P.F./ 40694-722 |
Order |
14/08/2020 |
Consequent upon this joining in this office as Election Officer w.e.f 07.01.2020 |
F.CEO/Admin/106(9)/HOO/2016/ 4704-42 |
Order |
08/01/2020 |
ORDER- Regarding posting of Sh. K.S. Bhoria, (DANICS - 2011) as Consultant(on contractual basis) |
CEO/Admn/106(19)/HOO/2016/ 73286-323 |
Order |
17/12/2019 |
CEO/admin./106(27)/Remu/ BLO,Super/ 2019/61688-868 |
CEO/admin./106(27)/Remu/BLO, Super/2019/61688-868 |
Order |
15/10/2019 |
General Election to Lok Sabha-2019 - Prohibition on sale of liquor in NCt of Delhi - Dry Days - reg |
CEO/COE/102(46)/2019/ 31792-812 |
Order |
12/04/2019 |
Special Driveduring SSR 2018 through house to house visit by BLOs- Notification for extension in period for fling claims and objections |
File.NO.CEO/COE/102(68)/ 2017 42478 |
Order |
21/12/2017 |
Order for constitution of committee in pursuance of Section 4 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace. |
No. F. CEO/Admn./106(22)/ 99/25828-52 |
Order |
20/09/2018 |
Transfer/Posting order of Gr.I DASS |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(1)/Gr-1/ 2016/20224-46 |
Order |
20/06/2017 |
Rates of remuneration to be paid to the staff deployed on Bye-Election to the Delhi Legislative Assembly-2017 for AC-27 (Rajouri Garden) are as under |
No.CEO/B&A/109(48)/ 2008/13872-82 |
Order |
31/03/2017 |
Assistant Expenditure Observers and Executive Magistrates(Team in-charge) of Flying Squad |
No.CEO/B&A/109(48)/ 2008/13893-13913 |
Order |
31/03/2017 |
Transfer/Posting order of Gr.I DASS- Bye -Election2017reg |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(1)/Gr.I/ 2016/Pt./11012-19 |
Order |
10/03/2017 |
Transfer/Posting order of Gr.I DASS- Bye -Election2017reg |
No. F. CEO/ADMN/106(1)/ IASDANICE/ Pt./2012/10/62-73 |
Order |
10/03/2017 |
Transfer/Posting Order of Gr.I(DASS) Officers |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(1)/ Gr.I/2016/ pt/34-94 |
Order |
03/03/2017 |
Judgment dated 02-01-2017 of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in CA Nos. 37 of 1992 and CA no. 8339 of 1995 (Abhiram Singh Vs C D Commachen & Ors)- Seeking Votes in the name of religion,caste, etc. |
No.CEO/CEO/114/(3)/ 2016/ 5760-6176 |
Order |
09/02/2017 |
Creation of 04 (four) posts on regular basis |
No.F.CEO/Admn./ 106(22)/2015 40 44-57 |
Order |
30/01/2017 |
Transfer/Posting order of Gr. II (DASS) |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106(17)/Gr.II/ 2015/Pt./2119-2167 |
Order |
13/01/2017 |
Taken on the strength of Sh. Ajay Kumar, Assistant Director(plg./Stat)-Corrigendum |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106(2)/AdDANICS /12/33225-67 |
Order |
02/12/2016 |
List of form 6,7&8 found Survived after destruction made by heavy rain water in 2010 year 2008 ofAC 13(Rohini) Delhi in Compliance with Order Passed by C.I.C wide Order No. CIC/CC/C/2015/000173-SA in the matter of Dharmpal Bhardwaj Vs.P/o Dy. Commissioner (Kanjhawala) |
No.F.CEO/RTI/106 /Misc/Vol-II/ 2016/3234-50 |
Order |
25/11/2016 |
Nomination of Public Grievance Redressal Officer (PGRO) of CEO Delhi |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106/(9/HOO/2016) /31051-31160 |
Order |
16/11/2016 |
Transfer Posting order of Gr. III(DASS) and IV |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106(15)/ Gr.IV/2016/Pt |
Order |
28/10/2016 |
Transfer/Posting order of Gr. III (DASS) |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106(4)/ Gr.III/2016/28898-914 |
Order |
26/10/2016 |
Special Summary Revision of photo Electoral Rolls w.r.t. 01/01/2017 in NCT of Delhi. |
No. F.2(126)/CEO/ ER/ SR/2016/21883-22054 |
Order |
17/08/2016 |
Nomination of Public Grievance Redressal Officer (PGRO) of CEO Delhi |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/106 (9/HOO/2016/16472-581) |
Order |
20/06/2016 |
Work distribution order |
No. F.CEO/Admin./106(9)/ HOO/2016/10227-66 |
Order |
19/04/2016 |
Consequent Upon The Promotion To The Post Of Grade-I(DASS) Superindentents |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(17)/ Gr.II/2015/pt. 8724-8734 |
Order |
31/03/2016 |
Consequent Upon The Joning As Grade-I(DASS) |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(17)/Gr.II/ 2015/pt. 8739-48 |
Order |
31/03/2016 |
Consequent Upon The Promotion To The Post Of Grade-I(DASS) Superindentents |
No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(17)/Gr.II/ 2015/pt. 8535-44 |
Order |
30/03/2016 |
Transfer/Posting Grade-4(DASS) |
CEO/ADMN/106(4)/Gr. III/Pt.III/ 2016/2658-74 |
Order |
16/03/2016 |
BLO & Supervisor Remuneration Order for NERPAP |
F.CEO/Admin/106(7)/Remuneration/ 2015/33/27-33314 |
Order |
22/05/2015 |
Nodal Officer for SVEEP activities (Corrigendum) |
F.50/CEO/SVEEP/2013/ 51098-51141 |
Order |
03/11/2015 |
Transfet/Posting Grade-1(DASS) Superindentents |
CEO/Admin/106(3)/Gr. 1/pt.III/ 12/49010-51 |
Order |
13/10/2015 |
Transfer/Posting of Officers |
F.CEO/Admin/106(2)/adDANICS/pt/ 12/47670-47711 |
Order |
05/10/2015 |
Reference Election Commission of India's communication, regarding making payment of remuneration @ Rs. 2500/- to a BLO and Rs. 5000/- to a Supervisor for the National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication programme. |
CEO/Admin/106(7)/Remuneration/2015/ 33/27-33314 |
Order |
22/05/2015 |
In Pursuance of Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs' |
F.CEO/Admin/110(23)/2014/ 22580-609 |
Order |
13/03/2015 |
General Election to the Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi,2015- Use of EVMs-reg. |
CEO/COE/102(21)/2015/ 25517-18 |
Order |
13/03/2015 |
Arrangement of names of the candidates on the Ballot Paper and the Ballot Unit of Electronic Voting Machine - Clarification-reg |
CEO/COE/102(12)/2015/ 25148-25245 |
Order |
11/03/2015 |
Permission is hereby granted for vehicle No. HR-20-F-8131(Toyata Qualis) to be used as vehicle of star campigning in the Delhi Assembly Election 2015 |
CEO/MCC/GAE-2015/ 3876-3892 |
Order |
04/02/2015 |
Assistant Expenditure Observers and Executive Magistrates of Flying Squad |
CEO/Admn./104/02/201504(06)/ Misc./2015/Pt-II/20141-428 |
Order |
04/02/2015 |
The rate of remuneration for Sector Officer,Master Trainer |
CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/ DLA-2015/17688-978 |
Order |
30/01/2015 |
The rate of remuneration for polling & Counting Persons |
CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/ DLA-2015/17399-688 |
Order |
30/01/2015 |
The rate of remuneration for Video Surveillance,Micro Observer, Income Tax Inspector |
CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/DAL-2015/ 17979-18268 |
Order |
30/01/2015 |
Transfer Posting of DASS Gr.I |
F.CEO/Admn//104(19)Cells/ 2014/8243-68 |
Order |
18/01/2015 |
Transfer Posting of DASS Gr.I |
CEO/Admn/104(19)/Cells/ 2014/7867-82 |
Order |
17/01/2015 |
Work Allocation Order |
F.CEO/Admn/104(19)/Cells/ 2014/5601-70 |
Order |
16/01/2015 |
Permission for usage of Vahicle by Aam Aadmi Party |
F.5/CEO/MCC/GAE-2015/46 |
Order |
16/01/2015 |
General Election to the Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi,2015- Instructions regarding SINGLE WINDOW SYSTEM for Public Meetings/Rallies/Processions,use of Loudspeakers and use of vehicles for election campaigning as well as use of non-commercial/remote/uncontrolled airports/helipads. |
CEO/CEO/112(1)/2015/ 2464-2570 |
Order |
12/01/2015 |
Transfer/Posting Order of AdHoc DANICS Prob.-Delhi Assembly Election 2015 regarding |
CEO/Admn/106(9)/Services/Pt.ll/ 2012/2937-75 |
Order |
13/01/2015 |
Transfer/Posting Order of Gr.III DASS |
F.CEO/Admn//106(6)/Gr.IV/Pt-II/ 12/49703-16 |
Order |
12/12/2014 |
Transfer/Posting Order of Gr.III DASS |
F.CEO/Admn//106(6)/Gr.IV/Pt-II/ 12/48367-95 |
Order |
19/11/2014 |
Transfer/Posting of Gr.I DASS |
F.CEO/Admn//106(3)/Gr.I/Pt-III/ 12/47999-48019 |
Order |
12/11/2014 |
Transfer/Posting of Sh. Radhey Shyam Gr.I(DASS) |
F.CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/Pt-III/ 12/47986-98 |
Order |
12/11/2014 |
Transfer/Posting Order of AdHoc DANICS |
CEO/Admn./106(2)/AdDANICS/ Pt.12/363-382 |
Order |
05/11/2014 |
Transfer Order of AERO AC-24 Patel Nagar |
F.CEO/Admn//106(3)/Gr.I/ Pt-III/12/43093-43105 |
Order |
14/10/2014 |
Taken on Strength Order of Gr. I DASS Officers |
F.CEO/Admn//106(3)/Gr.I/ Pt-IV/12/43841-57 |
Order |
17/10/2014 |
Taken on Strength Order of Gr.I Dass Officers |
F.CEO/Admn//106(3)/Gr.I/ Pt-I/12/43858-79 |
Order |
17/10/2014 |
Transfer Order of SDMs (Election) |
CEO/Admn./106(2)/AdDANICS/ 12/38220-57 |
Order |
19/08/2014 |
Permanent Commissioning of Complaint Control Room & Cell Centre at CEO, Delhi Office |
CEO/IT/Election Control Room/ 2014/33473-640 |
Order |
23/06/2014 |
Releiving Order of Sh. Neeraj Bharti (Addl. CEO) |
F.CEO/Admn/106(1)/IAS-DANICS/ 12/32522-76 |
Order |
11/06/2014 |
Delivery of EPIC through Speed Post |
F(103)/S/Post/EPIC/VREC/CEO/ 2011-12/16-24 |
Order |
01/01/2014 |
Transfer Posting of AEROs |
F.CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/pt.III/ 12/31978-89 |
Order |
04/06/2014 |
Relieving Order of Sh. Sanjiv Kumar Suptn (Admin) |
No.F.CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/pt./ 12/31952-60 |
Order |
04/06/2014 |
Transfer Posting of AEROs |
No.CEO/Admin./104/(8)/2004/GE/ 31075-86 |
Order |
04/06/2014 |
Nodal Officer |
No.CEO/Admn./104(8)/2014//GE/ 31075-86 |
Order |
22/05/2014 |
Transfer Order of Sh. Rajesh Kumar Yadav Gr-I DASS |
No.F.CEO/Admn/106(3)Gr.I/Pt.III/ 12/32428-43 |
Order |
11/06/2014 |
Transfer Posting of O/o CEO Officials |
No.F.CEO/Admn./106(11)/Misc-HQ/ pt/12/31872-84 |
Order |
03/06/2014 |
Transfer Posing of SDMs (Elecion) |
No.F.CEO/Admn/106(2)/AdDANICS/ 12/32477-521 |
Order |
11/06/2014 |
State Public Information Officer |
F.CEO/Admin./106(17)/2005/ 27004-27310 |
Order |
25/04/2014 |
AAP CENSURED regarding |
F.No.DEO/NDD/LS-Election/ 2014/1218 |
Order |
03/04/2014 |
Travel by Air-General Election 2014 regarding |
N0.464/INST/2014-EPS |
Order |
19/03/2014 |
Uploading the Day to Day A/c Register of Candidate on DEO/CEO Website- General Election to Lok Sabha Regarding |
F.PA/JtCEO/EEM/Misc/2014/ 1134-1142 |
Order |
27/03/2014 |
Corrigendum regarding posting of AERO of AC-16 |
No.F/CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/ pt.III/12/19347-58 |
Order |
26/03/2014 |
Regarding Training Film on EVM |
No.590/NFDC/Trg./2013 |
Order |
11/03/2014 |
Taken on Strength Order of Supdnt(Admin) |
No.F.CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/ pt.I/12/14973-87 |
Order |
14/03/2014 |
Instruction regarding Single Window System for Public Meetings/Rallies/Processions, Loudspeeker and use of vehicels for electon campaigning as well as use of non-commercial/remote/uncontrolled airports/helipads. |
PA/Jt.CEO/EEM/2014/965-982 |
Order |
07/03/2014 |
Reliving Order of Sh. Shurbir Singh, IAS/Special Chief Electoral Officer |
F.CEO/Admn/106(1)/IAS-DANICS/ 2012/7801-7840 |
Order |
21/02/2014 |
Reliving Order of Sh. Daljeet Singh, AERO, AC-64 |
F.CEO/ADMN/106(3)/Gr.I/pt.III/ 12/7887-7906 |
Order |
21/02/2014 |
Frequent Transfer/posting of Officers/Officials |
F.CEO/ADMN/106(11)/HQ/Pt./12/ 1013-187 |
Order |
07/01/2014 |
Delhi Assembly Election-2013-Travelling Allowance to the employes of Delhi Govt |
No.F20/19/2013/AC/USfa/ 305-308 |
Order |
22/10/2013 |
Pursuance of Service Department |
No.F.CEO/Admin./106(3)/ Gr.I/Pt./5639-61 |
Order |
30/03/2012 |
Pursuance of Service Department |
No.F.CEO/Admn./106(5)/ Gr.I/Pt./5662-71 |
Order |
30/03/2012 |