Circular/Orders/Notification परिपत्र/आदेश/अधिसूचना

Circular/Orders/Notification परिपत्र/आदेश/अधिसूचना

Subject विषय Number परिपत्र संख्या Document Type दस्तावेज़ का प्रकार Date दिनांक
Inviting eligible candidates for walk-in interview for internship in the Office of the Chief Electoral Officer Delhi-reg. F.No. 05/CEO/SVEEP/Int.Elect/2017/Part-III/436 Circular 27/12/2024
Appointment of Chief Electoral Officer, NCT of Delhi - reg. F.CEO/COE/102(2)/2018/1113 Circular 13/12/2024
Uploading of Circular/ Orders/ Notification scheme through new module on departmental websites. F.No.E-13016/26/2020-SeMT-Secy(IT)/8838-8917 Circular 09/12/2024
Observance of Vigilance Awareness week-2022. F.CEO/Admin/Vig/118/14/2022/2236 Circular 31/10/2022
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 2021 from 26-10-21 to 01-11-21. F.CEO/Admn./118(04)/2019/PF/000639360/18647-83 Circular 07/10/2021
Re-Publishing the Commission's Disqualification orders of the contesting candidates in the ordinary issue of National Capital Territory of Delhi Gazette-Regarding F.CEO/COE/102(104)/2019/2206-18 Circular 01/02/2021
Travelling Allowance to the employees of Delhi Govt./Central Govt./Autonomous Bodies etc.detailed on Election Duty. CEO/B&A(109)/50/2009-LA/72612-47 Circular 12/12/2019
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2019 CEO/Admin/Vig./118/04/2019/61577-616 Circular 14/10/2019
Hindi Version of the ECI main website-reg. 485/24/SD-NW/DIR(ict)/2018 (Comp No. 28570) Circular 08/08/2019
Supreme Court order dated 13th April, 2004- Pre-Certification of Political Advertisement on Electronic Media. CEO/COE/102(13)/2014/25720-25827 Circular 20/09/2018
Status Paper on Electronic Voting Machines: Edition-2 November, 2017-Reg F.2(157)CEO/EVM/Pt.l/2017/21474-89 Circular 21/08/2018
Uploading of affidavits of candidates on the website CEO/COE/102(75)/2018/9736-9828 Circular 23/04/2018
Regarding BLO CEO/Admn/106(24)/BLOs.Corres/2017/37637-37714 Circular 09/11/2017
Advice of Central Vigilance Commission - Action to be taken by concerned Department / Autonomous Bodies - regarding. No. F.CEO/Admn./Vig./DOV-Ref/08/30806-842 Circular 13/09/2017
National Electoral Roll Purification & Authentication Programme(NERPAP)-Collection of Aadhaar Number from the applicants. 23/1/2015(NARPAP)- ERS Circular 13/08/2015
Clarification regarding admissibility of Travelling Allowance to the staff who had attended duties. CEO/ADMN/104(13)/2015/Misc/38862-39109 Circular 15/07/2015
Regarding Standard Operating Procedure for seizure and release of cash and other items. CEO/COE/114(1)/2015/37137-50 Circular 01/07/2015
Regarding Election Duty of BLOs CEO/Admn/104(2)/Cir./2013/Pt.I/7829-58 Circular 17/01/2015
Delivery of EPIC through BNPL Scheme-Re No(103)(S)/Post/EPIC/VREC/CEO/2011-12/1402 Circular 10/06/2014
Delivery of EPIC through Speed Post under BNPL Scheme No(103)/S/Post/EPIC/VREC/CEO/2011-12/30897-31069 Circular 22/05/2014
Standard Operating Procedure for usage of Digital Signature CEO/IT/194/2006-07/30028-30376 Circular 19/05/2014
Fixing of Uniform Rate of Remuneration to the Sector Officers/Officials deployed on Election Duty regarding No.CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/23317-574 Circular 07/04/2014
Period of duty of PrOs & POs clarification No.576/11/94/JS.II Circular 15/11/1994
Addl. Facility for e-filling of affidavit (Form 26) of criminal cases, assets, liabilities and educational qualification by candidates No.3/ER/2014/SDR/Vol-I Circular 19/03/2014
Identification of new State Level e-Gov. Agency- Study by Consultant Agency CEO/IT/KPMG/2012/5320-40 Circular 21/03/2012
Department of Information Technology No.F6(134)/IT/2012-2258 Circular 04/04/2012
Subject विषय Number आदेश संख्या Document Type दस्तावेज़ का प्रकार Date दिनांक
With the concurrence of the Finance Department GNCTD to the rates approved by the Election Commission of India... F.No.CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/5396 Order 28/12/2024
With the concurrence of the Finance Department GNCTD to the rates approved by the Election Commission of India... F.No.CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/5395 Order 28/12/2024
Order Dated 29.08.2023 regarding the State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi. No. CEO/PLG/102(46)/2021/19553-588 -29/08/2023 Order 29/08/2023
State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi. No. CEO/PLG/102(46)/2021/30103 - 137 -09/11/2022 Order 09/11/2022
State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi. CEO/PLG/102(46)/2021/25027 - 60 -12/09/2022 Order 12/09/2022
Order dated 6th Sep 2022 F.CEO/Admn./Vig./118/11/2022/24625-637 -06/09/2022 Order 06/09/2022
Order dated 8th June 2022 The Rates Of Remuneration Rajinder Nagar F.CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/14686-940 -06/06/2022 Order 06/06/2022
Order dated 8th June 2022 The Rates Of Remuneration Rajinder Nagar F.CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/14941-15141 -06/06/2022 Order 06/06/2022
State Steering Committee on Accessible Elections (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi CEO/ADPLG/102(46)/2021/26795-824 Order 17/12/2021
Order dated 13th February 2020 of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in Contempt petition (C) 2192 of 2018 in WP(C) No. 536 of 2011- Requirement of publishing details regarding candidates with pending criminal cases in Rajya Sabha and State Legislative Council Elections- regarding. CEO/COE/EEM/102967)/DLA-20 /2020/1395-1407 Order 21/01/2021
ORDER CEO/Admin./106(22)/99/ 46775-808 Order 21/10/2020
Supreme court's judgement on the petition regarding requirement of public detils regarding People with Criminal antecedents contesting elections CEO/COE/EEM/102(67)/ DLA-20/2020/44178-89 Order 22/09/2020
Expenditure Management and Rationalization of Expenditure - COVID-19 outbeaks. No.F.CEO/B&A/Misc./109/2016-107 / 43285-385 Order 08/09/2020
Order regarding reconstitution and State Steering Committee on Accessible Election (SSCAE) in NCT of Delhi. CEO/ADPLG/102(40)/P.F./ 40694-722 Order 14/08/2020
Consequent upon this joining in this office as Election Officer w.e.f 07.01.2020 F.CEO/Admin/106(9)/HOO/2016/ 4704-42 Order 08/01/2020
ORDER- Regarding posting of Sh. K.S. Bhoria, (DANICS - 2011) as Consultant(on contractual basis) CEO/Admn/106(19)/HOO/2016/ 73286-323 Order 17/12/2019
CEO/admin./106(27)/Remu/ BLO,Super/ 2019/61688-868 CEO/admin./106(27)/Remu/BLO, Super/2019/61688-868 Order 15/10/2019
General Election to Lok Sabha-2019 - Prohibition on sale of liquor in NCt of Delhi - Dry Days - reg CEO/COE/102(46)/2019/ 31792-812 Order 12/04/2019
Special Driveduring SSR 2018 through house to house visit by BLOs- Notification for extension in period for fling claims and objections File.NO.CEO/COE/102(68)/ 2017 42478 Order 21/12/2017
Order for constitution of committee in pursuance of Section 4 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace. No. F. CEO/Admn./106(22)/ 99/25828-52 Order 20/09/2018
Transfer/Posting order of Gr.I DASS No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(1)/Gr-1/ 2016/20224-46 Order 20/06/2017
Rates of remuneration to be paid to the staff deployed on Bye-Election to the Delhi Legislative Assembly-2017 for AC-27 (Rajouri Garden) are as under No.CEO/B&A/109(48)/ 2008/13872-82 Order 31/03/2017
Assistant Expenditure Observers and Executive Magistrates(Team in-charge) of Flying Squad No.CEO/B&A/109(48)/ 2008/13893-13913 Order 31/03/2017
Transfer/Posting order of Gr.I DASS- Bye -Election2017reg No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(1)/Gr.I/ 2016/Pt./11012-19 Order 10/03/2017
Transfer/Posting order of Gr.I DASS- Bye -Election2017reg No. F. CEO/ADMN/106(1)/ IASDANICE/ Pt./2012/10/62-73 Order 10/03/2017
Transfer/Posting Order of Gr.I(DASS) Officers No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(1)/ Gr.I/2016/ pt/34-94 Order 03/03/2017
Judgment dated 02-01-2017 of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in CA Nos. 37 of 1992 and CA no. 8339 of 1995 (Abhiram Singh Vs C D Commachen & Ors)- Seeking Votes in the name of religion,caste, etc. No.CEO/CEO/114/(3)/ 2016/ 5760-6176 Order 09/02/2017
Creation of 04 (four) posts on regular basis No.F.CEO/Admn./ 106(22)/2015 40 44-57 Order 30/01/2017
Transfer/Posting order of Gr. II (DASS) No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106(17)/Gr.II/ 2015/Pt./2119-2167 Order 13/01/2017
Taken on the strength of Sh. Ajay Kumar, Assistant Director(plg./Stat)-Corrigendum No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106(2)/AdDANICS /12/33225-67 Order 02/12/2016
List of form 6,7&8 found Survived after destruction made by heavy rain water in 2010 year 2008 ofAC 13(Rohini) Delhi in Compliance with Order Passed by C.I.C wide Order No. CIC/CC/C/2015/000173-SA in the matter of Dharmpal Bhardwaj Vs.P/o Dy. Commissioner (Kanjhawala) No.F.CEO/RTI/106 /Misc/Vol-II/ 2016/3234-50 Order 25/11/2016
Nomination of Public Grievance Redressal Officer (PGRO) of CEO Delhi No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106/(9/HOO/2016) /31051-31160 Order 16/11/2016
Transfer Posting order of Gr. III(DASS) and IV No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106(15)/ Gr.IV/2016/Pt Order 28/10/2016
Transfer/Posting order of Gr. III (DASS) No.F.CEO/ADMN/ 106(4)/ Gr.III/2016/28898-914 Order 26/10/2016
Special Summary Revision of photo Electoral Rolls w.r.t. 01/01/2017 in NCT of Delhi. No. F.2(126)/CEO/ ER/ SR/2016/21883-22054 Order 17/08/2016
Nomination of Public Grievance Redressal Officer (PGRO) of CEO Delhi No.F.CEO/ADMN/106 (9/HOO/2016/16472-581) Order 20/06/2016
Work distribution order No. F.CEO/Admin./106(9)/ HOO/2016/10227-66 Order 19/04/2016
Consequent Upon The Promotion To The Post Of Grade-I(DASS) Superindentents No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(17)/ Gr.II/2015/pt. 8724-8734 Order 31/03/2016
Consequent Upon The Joning As Grade-I(DASS) No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(17)/Gr.II/ 2015/pt. 8739-48 Order 31/03/2016
Consequent Upon The Promotion To The Post Of Grade-I(DASS) Superindentents No.F.CEO/ADMN/106(17)/Gr.II/ 2015/pt. 8535-44 Order 30/03/2016
Transfer/Posting Grade-4(DASS) CEO/ADMN/106(4)/Gr. III/Pt.III/ 2016/2658-74 Order 16/03/2016
BLO & Supervisor Remuneration Order for NERPAP F.CEO/Admin/106(7)/Remuneration/ 2015/33/27-33314 Order 22/05/2015
Nodal Officer for SVEEP activities (Corrigendum) F.50/CEO/SVEEP/2013/ 51098-51141 Order 03/11/2015
Transfet/Posting Grade-1(DASS) Superindentents CEO/Admin/106(3)/Gr. 1/pt.III/ 12/49010-51 Order 13/10/2015
Transfer/Posting of Officers F.CEO/Admin/106(2)/adDANICS/pt/ 12/47670-47711 Order 05/10/2015
Reference Election Commission of India's communication, regarding making payment of remuneration @ Rs. 2500/- to a BLO and Rs. 5000/- to a Supervisor for the National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication programme. CEO/Admin/106(7)/Remuneration/2015/ 33/27-33314 Order 22/05/2015
In Pursuance of Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs' F.CEO/Admin/110(23)/2014/ 22580-609 Order 13/03/2015
General Election to the Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi,2015- Use of EVMs-reg. CEO/COE/102(21)/2015/ 25517-18 Order 13/03/2015
Arrangement of names of the candidates on the Ballot Paper and the Ballot Unit of Electronic Voting Machine - Clarification-reg CEO/COE/102(12)/2015/ 25148-25245 Order 11/03/2015
Permission is hereby granted for vehicle No. HR-20-F-8131(Toyata Qualis) to be used as vehicle of star campigning in the Delhi Assembly Election 2015 CEO/MCC/GAE-2015/ 3876-3892 Order 04/02/2015
Assistant Expenditure Observers and Executive Magistrates of Flying Squad CEO/Admn./104/02/201504(06)/ Misc./2015/Pt-II/20141-428 Order 04/02/2015
The rate of remuneration for Sector Officer,Master Trainer CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/ DLA-2015/17688-978 Order 30/01/2015
The rate of remuneration for polling & Counting Persons CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/ DLA-2015/17399-688 Order 30/01/2015
The rate of remuneration for Video Surveillance,Micro Observer, Income Tax Inspector CEO/B&A/109(48)/2008/DAL-2015/ 17979-18268 Order 30/01/2015
Transfer Posting of DASS Gr.I F.CEO/Admn//104(19)Cells/ 2014/8243-68 Order 18/01/2015
Transfer Posting of DASS Gr.I CEO/Admn/104(19)/Cells/ 2014/7867-82 Order 17/01/2015
Work Allocation Order F.CEO/Admn/104(19)/Cells/ 2014/5601-70 Order 16/01/2015
Permission for usage of Vahicle by Aam Aadmi Party F.5/CEO/MCC/GAE-2015/46 Order 16/01/2015
General Election to the Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi,2015- Instructions regarding SINGLE WINDOW SYSTEM for Public Meetings/Rallies/Processions,use of Loudspeakers and use of vehicles for election campaigning as well as use of non-commercial/remote/uncontrolled airports/helipads. CEO/CEO/112(1)/2015/ 2464-2570 Order 12/01/2015
Transfer/Posting Order of AdHoc DANICS Prob.-Delhi Assembly Election 2015 regarding CEO/Admn/106(9)/Services/Pt.ll/ 2012/2937-75 Order 13/01/2015
Transfer/Posting Order of Gr.III DASS F.CEO/Admn//106(6)/Gr.IV/Pt-II/ 12/49703-16 Order 12/12/2014
Transfer/Posting Order of Gr.III DASS F.CEO/Admn//106(6)/Gr.IV/Pt-II/ 12/48367-95 Order 19/11/2014
Transfer/Posting of Gr.I DASS F.CEO/Admn//106(3)/Gr.I/Pt-III/ 12/47999-48019 Order 12/11/2014
Transfer/Posting of Sh. Radhey Shyam Gr.I(DASS) F.CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/Pt-III/ 12/47986-98 Order 12/11/2014
Transfer/Posting Order of AdHoc DANICS CEO/Admn./106(2)/AdDANICS/ Pt.12/363-382 Order 05/11/2014
Transfer Order of AERO AC-24 Patel Nagar F.CEO/Admn//106(3)/Gr.I/ Pt-III/12/43093-43105 Order 14/10/2014
Taken on Strength Order of Gr. I DASS Officers F.CEO/Admn//106(3)/Gr.I/ Pt-IV/12/43841-57 Order 17/10/2014
Taken on Strength Order of Gr.I Dass Officers F.CEO/Admn//106(3)/Gr.I/ Pt-I/12/43858-79 Order 17/10/2014
Transfer Order of SDMs (Election) CEO/Admn./106(2)/AdDANICS/ 12/38220-57 Order 19/08/2014
Permanent Commissioning of Complaint Control Room & Cell Centre at CEO, Delhi Office CEO/IT/Election Control Room/ 2014/33473-640 Order 23/06/2014
Releiving Order of Sh. Neeraj Bharti (Addl. CEO) F.CEO/Admn/106(1)/IAS-DANICS/ 12/32522-76 Order 11/06/2014
Delivery of EPIC through Speed Post F(103)/S/Post/EPIC/VREC/CEO/ 2011-12/16-24 Order 01/01/2014
Transfer Posting of AEROs F.CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/pt.III/ 12/31978-89 Order 04/06/2014
Relieving Order of Sh. Sanjiv Kumar Suptn (Admin) No.F.CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/pt./ 12/31952-60 Order 04/06/2014
Transfer Posting of AEROs No.CEO/Admin./104/(8)/2004/GE/ 31075-86 Order 04/06/2014
Nodal Officer No.CEO/Admn./104(8)/2014//GE/ 31075-86 Order 22/05/2014
Transfer Order of Sh. Rajesh Kumar Yadav Gr-I DASS No.F.CEO/Admn/106(3)Gr.I/Pt.III/ 12/32428-43 Order 11/06/2014
Transfer Posting of O/o CEO Officials No.F.CEO/Admn./106(11)/Misc-HQ/ pt/12/31872-84 Order 03/06/2014
Transfer Posing of SDMs (Elecion) No.F.CEO/Admn/106(2)/AdDANICS/ 12/32477-521 Order 11/06/2014
State Public Information Officer F.CEO/Admin./106(17)/2005/ 27004-27310 Order 25/04/2014
AAP CENSURED regarding F.No.DEO/NDD/LS-Election/ 2014/1218 Order 03/04/2014
Travel by Air-General Election 2014 regarding N0.464/INST/2014-EPS Order 19/03/2014
Uploading the Day to Day A/c Register of Candidate on DEO/CEO Website- General Election to Lok Sabha Regarding F.PA/JtCEO/EEM/Misc/2014/ 1134-1142 Order 27/03/2014
Corrigendum regarding posting of AERO of AC-16 No.F/CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/ pt.III/12/19347-58 Order 26/03/2014
Regarding Training Film on EVM No.590/NFDC/Trg./2013 Order 11/03/2014
Taken on Strength Order of Supdnt(Admin) No.F.CEO/Admn/106(3)/Gr.I/ pt.I/12/14973-87 Order 14/03/2014
Instruction regarding Single Window System for Public Meetings/Rallies/Processions, Loudspeeker and use of vehicels for electon campaigning as well as use of non-commercial/remote/uncontrolled airports/helipads. PA/Jt.CEO/EEM/2014/965-982 Order 07/03/2014
Reliving Order of Sh. Shurbir Singh, IAS/Special Chief Electoral Officer F.CEO/Admn/106(1)/IAS-DANICS/ 2012/7801-7840 Order 21/02/2014
Reliving Order of Sh. Daljeet Singh, AERO, AC-64 F.CEO/ADMN/106(3)/Gr.I/pt.III/ 12/7887-7906 Order 21/02/2014
Frequent Transfer/posting of Officers/Officials F.CEO/ADMN/106(11)/HQ/Pt./12/ 1013-187 Order 07/01/2014
Delhi Assembly Election-2013-Travelling Allowance to the employes of Delhi Govt No.F20/19/2013/AC/USfa/ 305-308 Order 22/10/2013
Pursuance of Service Department No.F.CEO/Admin./106(3)/ Gr.I/Pt./5639-61 Order 30/03/2012
Pursuance of Service Department No.F.CEO/Admn./106(5)/ Gr.I/Pt./5662-71 Order 30/03/2012
Subject विषय Number अधिसूचना संख्या Document Type दस्तावेज़ का प्रकार Date दिनांक
General Election to the Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi - 2025 - Publication of Notification under Section 73 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 - reg. F.No. CEO/COE/102(1)/2025/1566 Notification 09/02/2025
Commission's Amending Notification No.56/2019(IV)/PPS-III dated 30-09-2020 CEO/COE/102(39)/2019/47358-69 Notification 26/10/2020
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2020(27th October to 2nd November, 2020) CEO/Admin/Vlg./118/04/2019/48507-46 Notification 27/10/2020
Forwarding of List of political parties and election symbols-reg. F.CEO/COE/102(39)/102(39)/2019/67627-49 Notification 14/11/2019
The Commission's Amendment Notification No. 56/2019/PPS-III dated 25th September, 2019- Reg. F.CEO/COE/102(39)/2019/63108-19 Notification 23/10/2019
Commission's Notification No.434/ECI/DEL-HP/2019(1) regarding appointment of AROs for Parliamentary Constituencies in NCT of Delhi- Publication in Gazette-reg. CEO/COE/102(21)/2019/9728-33 Notification 27/02/2019
General Election to the Legislative Assembly, 2015 of NCT of from 14- Shalimar Bagh Assembly Constituency - Removal of Disqualification Order- Reg. F.CEO/COE/102(95)/Re-publish/2018/35308-28 Notification 10/12/2018
Commission's Amendment Notification No. 56/2018 (II)/PPS-III dated 15-10-2018-Republication in Delhi Gazette. F.CEO/COE/102(74)/2018/32916-36 Notification 20/11/2018
Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week - 2008 CEO/Admn/Vig./DOV-Ref./08/30825-60 Notification 29/10/2018
Regarding:Appointment of Chief Electoral Officer, NCT of Delhi Notification No. 154/DL/2018-P.Admn, dated 20 th May , 2018 F.CEO/COE/102(2)/2018/19348-79 Notification 23/07/2018
Regarding: Commission’s Amendment Notification No. 56/2018 (1)/PPS-III, dated 20th June, 2018 CEO/COE/102(74)/2018/17635-667 Notification 05/07/2018
Regarding: Commission’s Notification No. 100/ECI/ORD/TER/NOR-II/DEL/2017(1)dated 07-06-2018 CEO/DOE/EEM/102(49)/2017/17630-634 Notification 05/07/2018
Regarding: Commission’s Notification No. 56/2018/PPS-III dated 13-04-2018 F.CEO/COE/102(74)/2018/13646-652 Notification 17/05/2018
Biennial Elections to the Council of States from NCT of Delhi-2018 Biennial Elections to the Council of States from NCT of Delhi-2018 Notification 02/01/2018
Commission's Amendament Notification No.56/2017/PPS-III dated 18-10-2017 regarding political parties and symbols. CEO/COE/102(3)/2017/38436-62 Notification 15/11/2017
ECI Notification regarding extension of date for filing claims and Objections in Special Summary Revision of electoral rolls-2018. CEO/COE/102(68)/2017/38015-35 Notification 14/11/2017
Notification of 21-D published in Delhi Gazette CEO/COE/102(53)/2017 29369-77 Notification 30/08/2017
Bye Election to AC-07(Bawana ) AC- Publication of Notification regarding Use of EVM and VVPAT No. CEO/COE/102(40)/2017/28580 Notification 21/08/2017
Bye Election to AC-7 (Bawana-SC)- Identification of electors- Gazette. CEO/COE/102(40)/2017/28497-28501 Notification 19/08/2017
Bye-Elections to 07-Bawana(SC) AC-List of contesting candidates in Delhi Gazette-reg CEO/COE/120(53)/2017/27587 Notification 10/08/2017
Bye-Elections to 07-Bawana(SC) AC-Commission's Notification regarding Exit Poll CEO/COE/102(48)/2017/27828-36 Notification 10/08/2017
Notification Regarding ARO 434/DL-LA/2003(1) Notification 18/06/2008
Presidential Election -2017- Notification reg intention to vote-Gazette-reg. CEO/COE/102(33)/2017/24289-93 Notification 18/07/2017
Notification dated 04-07-2017regarding counting of votes for presidential Election 2017 No.CEO/COE/102(33)/VP/2017/23823 Notification 13/07/2017
Notification dated 01-07-2017 containig List of contesting candidates in Form -5 for presidential Election 2017 No.CEO/COE/102(33)/VP/2017/23823 Notification 13/07/2017
Notification dated 12-06-2017 regarding appointment of RO and AROs for presidential Election 2017 No.CEO/COE/102(33)/VP/2017/23823 Notification 13/07/2017
Program Notification dated 04-07-2017 issued by ECI and Public Notice dated 04-07-2017 issued by RO for Vice-Presidential Elction,2017. No.CEO/COE/102(34)/VP/2017/23822 Notification 13/07/2017
Notification dated 01-07-2017 regarding appointment of RO and AROs for Vice- presidential Election,2017. CEO/COE/102(34)/VP/2017/23822 Notification 13/07/2017
Notification regarding vacancy in Delhi Legislative Assembly-reg NO.CEO/EL.G/102(3)/2009/14851-54 Notification 13/04/2017
Bye Election to AC-27- Issue of Notification regarding Observance of 'Dry Days' F.NO. CEO/COE/102(20)/2017/14335-42 Notification 06/04/2017
Notification regarding vacancy in Delhi Legislative Assembly No.CEO/EL.G/102(3)/2009/5368_84 Notification 08/02/2017
Appointment of EROs for 70 ACs 429/DL-LA/2015(1) Notification 01/06/2015
Appointment of DEOs of 11 Districts No.508/DL/2015 Notification 01/06/2015
ECI's Amendment Notification No. 56/2015(III)/PPs-III,dated 12th March 2016. CEO/COE/102(2)/2016/13000-01 Notification 18/05/2016
Commission's Corrigendum No.56/2015/PPs-II dated 09-11-2015 No.CEO/CEO/102(2)/2014/Vol.II/Pt.File/1114-15 Notification 21/01/2016
Commission's Amendment Notification no.56/2015(1)/PPs-III dated 4th June,2015 regarding political parties and symbols. No.CEO/CEO/102(61)/2014 57298-99 Notification 21/01/2016
Commission's Amendment Notification no.56/2015(II)/PPS-III dated 15th September,2015 regarding political parties and symbols. No.CEO/CEO/102(2)/2014/Vol.II/1112-13 Notification 21/01/2016
National Media Award 2015 491/Media Award/2015(Communication) Notification 23/10/2015
Printing of photographs of the candidates on the postal ballot papers,the ordinary ballot papers in the ballot papers to be displayed on the balloting unit of EVMs-Forwarding of the Commission's Direction. CEO/COE/102(12)/2015 Notification 13/07/2015
Appointment/Replacement of Electoral Registration Officers, Assembly Constituencies of NCT of Delhi-reg CEO/COE/102(69)/2013/28880-82 Notification 31/03/2015
Commission's Notification No.56/Symbol/2014/PPS-II dated 13 th october,2014 regarding Election Symbols CEO/COE/102(2)/Vol.II/28741-42 Notification 06/04/2015
Commission's Amendment Notification No.56/2014/PPS-II dated 3rd November,2014 regarding Political Parties and Symbols CEO/COE/102(2)/Vol.II/28741-42 Notification 06/04/2015
Dry Day Notification for General Election to Lok Sabha 2014 FN.10(56)/Ex/IMFL/96.97/55-67 Notification 04/04/2014
Appointment of ARO for General Election to Lok Sabha - 2014 No.434/DL-HP/2014(1) Notification 06/03/2014
Schedule of the General Election to Legislative Assemblies F.CEO/coe/102(88)/2013/60847 Notification 19/11/2013
Use of Electorals Photo Identity Card for Electors F.No.CEO/COE/102(35)/2013/67308 Notification 19/11/2013